Contact a Wound Care Reimbursement Expert

Wound Care & Dermatology Experience

MCRA focuses on assisting clients on a daily basis to ensure appropriate coverage and reimbursement for medical procedures and medical devices. Key therapy areas of expertise include:

•    Adhesion prevention

•    Allografts

•    Barrier devices

•    Combination devices

•    Dermal fillers

•    Dressings

•    Homeostatic devices

•    Laser devices

•    Prosthetic mesh

•    Safety syringes

•    Scaffolding devices

•    Skin grafts

•    Suture delivery

•    Sutures

•    Tissue glues

•    Vac systems

•    Wound adhesives

Reimbursement Services

MCRA’s coding, reimbursement, and compliance experts have over 50 years of combined healthcare policy and finance services experience and have a proven track record servicing over 250 clients nationwide.

Our comprehensive reimbursement, health economics and public policy services include: 

•    Call center – coding and coverage access

•    Clinical trial reimbursement

•    Coding analysis and assessments

•    Coding hotline

•    Healthcare economics

•    Medical billing and coding

•    Medical reimbursement

•    Payor outreach

•    Reimbursement resource guides

•    Strategic reimbursement


Contact a Wound Care Reimbursement Expert