MCRA offers strategic, operational consulting, and call center solutions in a challenging healthcare environment to ensure a positive reimbursement experience. Medical billing, coding and reimbursement requires the same attention as other departments, such as sales, marketing, finance, accounting, clinical, and regulatory.
Anesthesia and Critical Care Device Experience
MCRA focuses on assisting clients on a daily basis to ensure appropriate coverage and reimbursement for medical procedures and medical devices. Key Anesthesia and Critical Care device areas of expertise include:
Abnormal Breathing Sound Devices
Airway Monitoring Systems
Anesthesia catheters, filters, and needles
Anesthesia gas and oxygen masks
Anesthesia gas machines and vaporizers
Anesthesia pain monitors
Apnea monitors
Breathing Frequency Monitor
Breathing Gases Mixer
Carbon dioxide absorber and anesthetic gas scavengers
CPAP and BiPAP devices
Cricothyrotomy devices
Dental Protectors
Depth of anesthesia monitors
Endotracheal, endobronchial, and tracheostomy tubes and stylets
End-tidal CO2 monitors and masks
Epidural catheters, needles, and delivery devices
Gas Analyzers
High flow oxygen delivery devices
Humidifier and masks
Hyperbaric chambers
Infant baby monitors
Nerve stimulators
Nitric oxide delivery and generating devices
Opioid use disorder devices
Oral and nasal airways
Oxygen concentrators
Oxygen conservers
Oxygen tents
Peripheral nerve blocks
Portable air compressor
Pulmonary function calculators
Pulse oximeters
Topical Anesthesia Applicator
Tracheobronchial suction catheters
Ultrasound guided nerve blocks
Ventilatory Effort Recorder
Reimbursement Services
MCRA's coding, reimbursement, and compliance experts have over 50 years of combined healthcare policy and finance services experience and have a proven track record servicing over 250 clients nationwide.
Our comprehensive reimbursement, health economics and public policy services include:
Call center - coding and coverage access
Clinical trial reimbursement
Coding analysis and assessments
Coding hotline
Healthcare economics
Medical billing and coding
Medical reimbursement
Payor outreach
Reimbursement resource guides
Strategic reimbursement
Contact an anesthesia and critical care reimbursement Expert