MCRA is a customer-centric, full service CRO generating evidence through our specialized investigator network. Our CRO team has the expertise and experience in planning and executing medical device clinical trials across the United States and Europe. Our team has a proven track record with single-center, first-in-human, feasibility, multi-center, pivotal, and post-market trials that ensure patient protection and regulatory compliance through clinical monitoring, auditing, training, project management, and safety monitoring.
Anesthesia and Critical Care Device Experience
Our CRO enables medical device companies of all sizes to successfully execute clinical studies by streamlining the clinical trial process through an integrated approach that guides clients through the medical device lifecycle. Key areas of Anesthesia and Critical Care experience include:
Abnormal Breathing Sound Devices
Airway Monitoring Systems
Anesthesia catheters, filters, and needles
Anesthesia gas and oxygen masks
Anesthesia gas machines and vaporizers
Anesthesia pain monitors
Apnea monitors
Breathing Frequency Monitor
Breathing Gases Mixer
Carbon dioxide absorber and anesthetic gas scavengers
CPAP and BiPAP devices
Cricothyrotomy devices
Dental Protectors
Depth of anesthesia monitors
Endotracheal, endobronchial, and tracheostomy tubes and stylets
End-tidal CO2 monitors and masks
Epidural catheters, needles, and delivery devices
Gas Analyzers
High flow oxygen delivery devices
Humidifier and masks
Hyperbaric chambers
Infant baby monitors
Nerve stimulators
Nitric oxide delivery and generating devices
Opioid use disorder devices
Oral and nasal airways
Oxygen concentrators
Oxygen conservers
Oxygen tents
Peripheral nerve blocks
Portable air compressor
Pulmonary function calculators
Pulse oximeters
Topical Anesthesia Applicator
Tracheobronchial suction catheters
Ultrasound guided nerve blocks
Ventilatory Effort Recorder
CRO Services
MCRA's CRO team has accessibility to first-class facilities/equipment and dedicated consultants to support advanced Anesthesia and Critical Care devices' expedited route to market.
Our Comprehensive CRO services include:
510(k) Clinical Studies
IDE Clinical Studies
IND Clinical Studies
PMA Clinical Studies
De Novo Clinical Studies
Retrospective Clinical Studies
Clinical Database Selection
Clinical Research Compliance
Clinical Study Closeout
Clinical Study Logistics
Clinical Study Planning and Clinical Protocol Development
Clinical Site Budget Development
Clinical Trial Agreement Template Development
Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) Negotiation
Clinical Trial Reimbursement Services
Clinical Trial Vendor Management
Data Management (DM) and Biostatistics (BS)
Database Development and User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB)
Clinical Events Committee (CEC) Meeting Services
Electronic Case Report Forms (eCRF)
FDA Audit Preparation
Investigator Identification
Investigator's Meetings (IM) and Study Kick-off Meetings
Investigator & Study Coordinator Training
IRB Oversight and Management
Local & Central IRB Informed Consent Form (ICF) Template Development
Medical and Scientific Writing
Remote Site Management
Remote Source Data Verification (SDV)
Safety Management
Site and Sponsor Audit Preparedness
Site Selection and Qualification
Site Administrative Payment Management
Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP) Development
Statistical Programming
Study Start-up
Trial Master File (TMF) Set up, Maintenance, and Archival